
Larry Morgan

Larry is a Senior Professional and Global Professional in Human Resources (SPHR and GPHR) and the SHRM – SCP (Senior Certified Professional). With over 35 years of HR experience, Larry specializes in the alignment of compensation and benefit programs with business strategies. His work includes advising organizations on leadership development, staff assessment, organization structure, performance management and staff accountabilities.

About our associate.

Larry's invaluable HR experience spans across several industries including consulting, professional services, retail, engineering, high tech, medical device, health care, manufacturing, transportation, insurance, financial services, public sector, and not for profit organizations. He has worked with a broad range of industries including consulting, professional services, retail, engineering, high tech, medical devices, health care, manufacturing, transportation, insurance, financial services, public sector, and not for profit organizations. These experiences have afforded Larry the privilege of being a sought after, industry expert and a national keynote speaker as well as a University of Minnesota faculty member.

  • Expert in organizational leadership and structure
  • Knowledge sharing through collaboration 
  • Make a difference to the lives of others
  • Alignment of business strategies and employee goals
Numbers don't Lie

Experience at a glance.

Our associates are veterans in Human Resources consulting with long-standing relationships and also some side passions.

Organizations touched
Years of experience
+15 Years
Longest Client
Available Services

Or view our Service options in...

Compensation Systems

Pay programs that are grounded in market data and provide the framework to recruit and retain top talent.

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Employee Development

Considering how knowledge gained will contribute to the achievement of various development goals.

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Harassment & Training

Writing policies, conduct training, and investigate ways to create a positive work environment for staff.

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